After the practice, I came with my own advertisement for a guitar string brand which I called Leopard Strings. I created the logo using adobe express, after that I created the poster advertisement using the same program. The poster consist in the logo of the brand, brand name, a slogan and a background image of a man holding a acoustic guitar in the sunset. I chose that image because of the colors which relate with the brand logo colors. When it comes to slogan, it's a idiom and a word play with the word "string" the product that it's being sold by the brand. As I said in the previous post I tried to sell a lifestyle and transmit an aspiration and dream. To create that advertisement I followed the same steps shown in the Pedro Golias: Practice logo and advert creation post.
After that the logo was finised. So I saved it.
Final logo:
Creating the poster advert
First I created a flyer and chose a image. I set the image as background.
I added the name of the brand and the slogan. I used Bebas Neue as font for the logo and the slogan. For the logo text I used white color with a black outline and to the slogan I did the opposite, I used black as the main color and white as outline. I placed both the text on the top of the image
Poster advertisement
This is pretty good Advert. Bright colours make me feel like I'm on the beach in the summer. Very interesting tag line, but I think subtitle are to contrasting.
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty good Advert. Bright colours make me feel like I'm on the beach in the summer. Very interesting tag line, but I think subtitle are to contrasting.