Monday, 9 October 2023

The process of creating the advert and the final advert

     After the practice, I came with my own advertisement for a guitar string brand which I called Leopard Strings. I created the logo using adobe express, after that I created the poster advertisement using the same program. The poster consist in the logo of the brand, brand name, a slogan and a background image of a man holding a acoustic guitar in the sunset. I chose that image because of the colors which relate with the brand logo colors. When it comes to slogan, it's a idiom and a word play with the word "string" the product that it's being sold by the brand. As I said in the previous post I tried to sell a lifestyle and transmit an aspiration and dream. To create that advertisement I followed the same steps shown in the Pedro Golias: Practice logo and advert creation post.

First I chose a guitar clicking on the element icon in the left bar

I chose Source Serif 4 Subhead as font and wrote the name of the brand, I used a bow layout to the text and a placed it underneath the guitar, so that it followed the shape of the guitar. I also chose an orange outline to the text.

 Cliking in the Icon element in the left bar I added a leopard  head between the word "Leopard" and "Strings"

I decided to add a couple flowers on the logo so that it doesn't look so empty. I placed it close to the brand's name.

After that the logo was finised. So I saved it.

Final logo:

Logo brand

Creating the poster advert

First I created a flyer and  chose a image. I set the image as background.

I added the name of the brand and the slogan. I used Bebas Neue as font for the logo and the slogan. For the logo text I used  white color with a black outline and to the slogan I did the opposite, I used black as the main color and white as outline. I placed both the text on the top of the image

I added the logo I created on the bottom and my poster advert was finished.
Final Poster advert:

 Poster advertisement 


  1. This is pretty good Advert. Bright colours make me feel like I'm on the beach in the summer. Very interesting tag line, but I think subtitle are to contrasting.

  2. This is pretty good Advert. Bright colours make me feel like I'm on the beach in the summer. Very interesting tag line, but I think subtitle are to contrasting.


Reflection: Spring Term

 On this post I will reflect about the  my experiences and outcomes in the creative media module in this  term. Overall, I enjoyed the makin...