In today's class I started to create a website using Wix. Firstly I started by choosing a template to the web site
I added the following pages: Home, Portfolio, Contact and About. Then I created a navigation text in order to navigate through those different pages.
I changed the copyright lives on pinned on the bottom of the website, so that i will appear in the footer of all different pages
I changed the pictures, so that the images relate with myself and what I do. To do so I clicked in "media" an icon on the left bar
I added sub headline in Arial Black size 40
I changed the background color to a brown clicking in change section background
Finally, I swapped to mobile view to be sure everything was in the right place
Good you completed this with some technical detail - you do need to state that this was on Wix and be a bit more specific about tools used. I still think you could make a more impactful homepage and you should consider a little more the design here.